Lenora Biche: Entrepreneur, student, stylist, designer and coach

We interviewed the founder of Biche designs to understand her story and journey. Here is what she had to say

“I wear many different hats. I like to think of myself as an artist, a creative, a student and a lover.” 

My mother once told me the story of a little girl who sat close to the television every afternoon waiting for the news because she would get the chance to see the most stylish people. This young girl would analyze and compliment every outfit like she was an expert. She did this from the age of five and even now she still has a keen eye for fashion and style. This young girl was me.

Over the years, my passion has led me to believe that fashion can be used as a tool to show one's identity and create positive social change. Fashion is a driving force in our communities and can impact people personally and globally. It can boost individual confidence and create a sense of identity, friendliness and community amongst people of different backgrounds. My mission is to educate the world through fashion, style and creativity. I want people to feel like the best version of themselves when they wear something I create. I want them to shine inside out. 

I started BICHE as an attempt the merge my two worlds, my goal being to create a sort of fashion bridge between – Africa and Italy – while providing jobs in Cameroon my home country and preserving my cultural heritage. It has been very interesting to see how a small piece of clothing with colors can brighten a persons day. I love it! I brings me joy to know that BICHE is impacting people positively, and that our community is creating social change and proving job opportunities for many. 

I hope that BICHE DESIGNS will continue growing and impacting more lives positively.

Lenora Biche